There is still a lot more to say about the exhumation of the
few members of the most important anti-communist armed resistance group in
Romania, as it was characterized in 2015, when, as it is well known, another
seven members of major Nicolae Dabija’s group, Silvestru Bolfea, Traian Mihălțan,
Titus Onea, Gheorghe Oprița, Augustin Rațiu, Ion Scridon and the major himself
were exhumed from another mass grave, at the initiative of the Association of
Former Political Prisoners (AFDPR) in Sibiu, and reburied in the Christian
tradition in Sibiu, in 1994, in the same place, in the Central Cemetery. The
funerary monument built there in their memory catches attention due to its
architecture and durable material from which it is made – white marble and
black granite, also incorporating photos of the martyred heroes – thanks to
AFDPR and the efforts made by its president, Luca Nicolae Copăla.
I cannot explain it myself, but I think Lucia Hossu Longin
could, if she ever agreed, explain how it was possible for the (free?) Romanian
Television to shoot the exhumation of the martyr heroes in Sibiu, in 1994, and
interview some people directly involved in this event, and to present it to the
public only 21 years later, on 14.11.2015, on TVR2 channel, as part of the
second episode about the anti-communist armed resistance group led by Major
Nicolae Dabija.
Another strange thing about the two episodes dedicated to this
group of partisans, presented on TVR2, on 7 and 14.11. 2015, is that there are
no images of the monument placed in the Central Cemetery of Sibiu by the AFDPR
in memory of the seven heroes of the Dabija Group.
Lucia Hossu Longin, an honorable Romanian documentary
filmmaker, announced twice that she would arrive in Sibiu to film, before the
episodes were aired. The president of AFDPR Sibiu waited for her, they even booked
hotel rooms for her team, but each time she postponed her arrival until the
following year... I cannot and I will not believe that it is possible for this
serial to be continued with episodes on this anti-communist armed resistance
group without including images of this Monument of the Dabija Group in Sibiu,
and without suggesting to the Romanian authorities to ensure equal treatment
of the five martyred heroes exhumed on August 31 - September 2,
2015, at Groşi on Muntele Mare, in the Apuseni Mountains; they should be buried
officially in the Christian tradition, at the expense of the Romanian state, in
one of the heroes’ cemeteries of the country, and also have a funerary monument
similar to that in Sibiu.
There must be a certain type of coordination of the television
activities with those of the IICCMRE, the institute that, through its
representative, Gheorghe Petrov, distributed in the print and broadcast media
the news that the martyred heroes exhumed on August 31 – September 2, 2015
would be reburied in the Heroes’ Cemetery in Alba-Iulia. I am not very sure,
but I think it was I who had suggested to Gheorghe Petrov, motivated by the
principle of non-discrimination – one of the basic principles of democratic
societies – that the martyred heroes on Muntele Mare-Groşi should be reburied
in the Heroes’ Cemetery of Alba-Iulia, but I am sure he knows who this
initiative belongs to. I am also very sure that I talked to Lucia Hossu Longin
in detail about these circumstances, as well as about the strange behavior of
the military prosecutor during the exhumation, and also that of Marius Oprea,
when she kindly invited me to accompany her, on October 8, 2015, on the road
from Alba-Iulia to Bistra and back, in the same car of the Romanian television
that took her to shoot the two documentary episodes about the anti-communist
armed resistance group led by Major Nicolae Dabija, which had already aired on
TVR 2. Some fragments of the interview I gave for TV were also broadcast on
November 7, 2015.
Parts of my interview were deleted. Lucia Hossu Longin told me
that she had deleted those statements that she considered inconsistent with the
public TV policy. An employee cannot remain there unless he or she adapts to
that policy. Censorship has not disappeared yet; it is still part of the
current policy of the Romanian state, whose institutions are infested with a
monstrously generalized endemic corruption. A producer of documentary films
with educative effect on viewers, who is part of those who state that Adrian
Năstase, former Minister of Foreign Affairs and Prime Minister, sentenced for
corruption, is a victim of the political system like Iuliu Maniu, one of the
greatest political personalities in the history of our country, a national
martyred hero who died in a communist prison, such a person who is the
honorable Lucia Hossu Longin herself, I say this with great regret, despite her
merits, has become an undesirable person to practice this profession.