Mihai, what will happen to the
bones if this big excavator hits them while scraping the ground, what will we
rebury?, my cousin Mărioara asked me while we witnessed in astonishment
the force with which the heavy double-function machine (excavator and
bulldozer) was digging, scraping and leveling the ground and the vegetation,
crushing branches, wood, stones and boulders.
I am convinced that the digging of the bones in the mass grave
was a masked profanity, either deliberate or caused by negligence. It was an
action that, from a legal perspective, would have raised specialized comments
based on art. 383 of the Romanian Criminal Code, Desecration of corpses or
grave, which provides imprisonment for such acts. The consequence of such
specialized comments, with a high degree of probability, may be the
incrimination (definition of crime and its legal punishment) of the act of
desecrating mass or individual graves containing the bones of martyr heroes.
Only the government may initiate criminal investigations in this case, since
IICCMRE reports directly to the Prime Minister. Certain images in the
documentaries about the Nazi holocaust against the Jewish people came
involuntarily to my mind, those images of piles of human corpses pushed into
the mass grave with a bulldozer – innocent people who had suffered terrible
tortures in the death gas chambers, and became martyr heroes of humanity.
Fortunately for the memory of the martyr heroes partisans,
whose remains were searched, I was there and could prevent the “ingenious
diggings” with the “steel animal”.
The excavator’s driver followed the indications of Petrov, who
was guiding him by making signs, since the heavy excavator was making a loud
noise while excavating the ground and the vegetation, breaking stumps of fir
trees and crushing stones, then leveling everything with the bulldozer, after
repeated twisting at 180 degrees of the furious “steel animal”. Sometimes, some
of us thought we saw traces of bones on the ground leveled by the bulldozer.
Fortunately, we were wrong; they were only dark-grey crushed stones or pieces
of green or dried wood.
The excavator worked for more than three hours, but with no
result. By a stroke of luck, the poor human skeletons were rescued from the
rage of the “steel animal” that would have certainly crumbled them. We would
have witnessed the desecration of the martyrs’ remains that had been resting
there for almost seventy years.
It was very difficult to see anything on the archeologist’s
face due to his big thick beard like a natural mask, and his imperturbable
calmness. I am not sure whether he was aware (or is aware today) of what could
have happened from the moral, legal, historical and political point of view, if
the excavator had destroyed the remains of the five partisans- martyred heroes
of the Romanian nation.